Lancashire’s Best Kept Secret: Venture into the Secretive World of Lancashire’s Enchanting Dragon’s Eye Cave

Deep in the picturesque West Lancashire countryside lies a hidden treasure – a cave that few have had the privilege of witnessing in person. Known as the “Dragon’s Eye” cave, this captivating natural wonder is closely guarded by local residents, accessible only through a unique “window in the floor.”

The Dragon’s Eye Cave

The Dragon’s Eye cave, located in the town of Upholland, is a well-kept secret, known only to a select group of urban explorers who have meticulously documented its coordinates and shared them discreetly. This cave is believed to have been formed from an old mine shaft, and at its center lies a breathtaking feature – the “dragon’s eye.”

Lancashire's secret “Dragons Eye” cave. The cave is closely guarded by residents and explorers who are keen to keep it's exact location from the world. : r/interestingasfuck

The Dragon’s Eye

The “dragon’s eye” is a remarkable geological formation, created by a pattern in the rock that appears spherical when the light catches it just right. This captivating sight evokes the imagery of J.R.R. Tolkien’s fantastical works, leaving visitors in awe of its natural beauty.

Accessing the Cave

Reaching the Dragon’s Eye cave is no easy feat. Explorers must navigate through a “window in the floor,” crawling down a slope to access the network of caverns and caves within. One anonymous urban explorer recounts the challenges of locating the elusive “dragon’s eye,” which required precise camera angles and lighting to reveal its true form.

The Sense of Discovery

👁AWAKEN the DRAGON🐉 Epic spin 🌀🔥by @mxhnxz.z , playing with wirewool underground in a U.K. Stone Mine Suggested Hashtag | Underground, Stone, Geology

Despite the difficulties in accessing the cave, those who have been fortunate enough to witness the Dragon’s Eye firsthand describe it as a truly remarkable experience. Dan Dixon, a well-known urban explorer, claims that this hidden gem is one of the best places he has ever visited, even surpassing the allure of abandoned locations around the world.

Preservation and Safety Concerns

The residents of the area are keen to maintain the secrecy of the Dragon’s Eye cave, likely due to the dangerous conditions within. The collapsed mine roof and the potential hazards make the cave unsafe, particularly for unsupervised visitors. As a result, the entrance to the cave has been sealed off to prevent accidents and injuries.

The Dragon’s Eye cave in Lancashire is a true hidden gem, a testament to the wonders of nature and the power of human curiosity. While its whereabouts remain a closely guarded secret, the stories and accounts of those who have had the privilege of witnessing this captivating natural wonder continue to captivate the imagination of all who hear them.
