Joy Boy And The Liberators

Joy Boy is often portrayed as a figure of legend and hope, someone who fought for a noble cause. Joy Boy leads a coalition of various races and nations united by a common belief in freedom and equality. This group, known as the Liberators, opposes the widespread practice of slavery, which was an integral part of many societies during the Void Century.

Joy Boy’s vision was a world where all beings—human, fishman, giant, mink, and more—could live in harmony, free from the chains of servitude. The Liberators’ base of operations could have been the ancient kingdom, a highly advanced civilization that championed freedom and equality.

The 20 Kings And The Slavers

Opposing Joy Boy were the 20 Kings, powerful rulers of various kingdoms who thrived on a hierarchical system that depended heavily on slavery. These kings believed that their prosperity and the stability of their nations depended on maintaining the institution of slavery. They argued that their nations’ economies and social structures would collapse without the forced labor that sustained them.

The 20 Kings, motivated by a desire to maintain their power and way of life, formed an alliance to crush Joy Boy and his Liberators. This alliance marked the beginning of what would eventually become the World Government.

The Great War

The conflict between Joy Boy’s Liberators and the 20 Kings’ alliance escalated into a full-scale war, known as the Great War of the Void Century. This war saw epic battles fought across the seas, with ancient weapons and powerful Devil Fruits playing crucial roles. The Liberators, despite their advanced technology and strong ideals, were eventually overwhelmed by the sheer numbers and resources of the 20 Kings.

The Aftermath And The Void Century’s End

The defeat of Joy Boy and the Liberators marked a turning point in history. The 20 Kings, now victorious, sought to erase all traces of their opposition. They rewrote history to depict themselves as the rightful rulers and saviors of the world, while demonizing Joy Boy and his followers. To ensure that their version of history prevailed, they initiated a campaign to destroy any records of the Void Century, leading to the mysterious blank period known as the Void Century.

The Formation Of The World Government

In the aftermath of the war, the 20 Kings established the World Government, a centralized authority designed to enforce their rule and prevent any resurgence of ideas like those of Joy Boy. They created institutions such as the Celestial Dragons to maintain their divine right to rule and perpetuate the social hierarchy based on slavery and oppression.

Legacy And The D. Clan

Despite their efforts, the ideals of Joy Boy lived on, passed down through the generations by those who carried the Will of D. This will symbolizes the enduring hope for freedom and the ultimate challenge to the oppressive rule of the World Government. The word “D” could be “Doulos” (Δούλος), which means “servant” or “slave” in Greek. It highlights Joy Boy and those who carry the Will of D. as individuals dedicated to serving a greater cause—liberating the world from oppression.