Eva Longoria and Tony Parker
Entertainment Tonight (DR) / Skweek (DR)

Married for a little over three years to Tony Parker, Eva Longoria then regularly had the opportunity to talk about their life as a couple in the media and did not omit any detail. Not even the frequency of their antics, which coincided with their busy schedules.

As an NBA player, it’s not easy to find a partner willing to adapt to this nomadic lifestyle.

In many cases, she must then agree to give up her professional career.

However, it sometimes happens that stars of the league form a couple with women with similar schedules and fame to theirs. For a few years, for example, this was the case… with Tony Parker.

Eva Longoria honest about her sex life with Tony Parker

While establishing himself as one of the leaders of the Spurs in the mid-2000s, Parker met Eva Longoria, whose popularity was beginning to explode thanks to Desperate Housewives .

After a few months spent together, the two lovebirds ended up getting married in July 2007 and were experiencing perfect love, as the famous actress told JOY! magazine in 2009. :

Eva Longoria: I love being married. I’m part of something bigger and more important than me now. Marriage offers me other things besides my job. Tony and I feel incredibly connected. I love being a housewife. This is very fun. I cook, clean and sew. I’m even the one who takes care of Tony’s laundry!

Having become a real “housewife” in real life according to her own words, Longoria has not stopped filming the series to which she owes her international popularity.

At the same time, TP9 obviously remained very busy and often went on the road with his team.

Enough to logically impact their intimate life, on which the Hollywood star then showed herself without filter:

Eva Longoria: I work three to four days a week. Then I’m flying to Texas to spend a long weekend with Tony. So, we only make love on weekends.

But when some would have complained about this pace and would have tried to adjust their schedule, Longoria was completely satisfied with it, she who could not keep still:

Eva Longoria: I can never stay idle, I always have to be busy. I founded my own production company. We have already created three TV shows and are working on two film projects. At the same time, Tony and I are building a house in San Antonio and it’s taking a lot of time. Fortunately, I inherited my mother’s multi-tasking instinct. But you have to know how to prioritize!

Married from 2007 to 2011, Tony Parker and Eva Longoria tried as best they could to make a romance work, spent most of the time at a distance. This also involved physical reunions every weekend according to the star of Desperate Housewives .