In the world of anime and manga, One Piece‘s Roronoa Zoro is widely considered to be one of the most adept swordsmen of all…
The anime adaptation of Kaiju No. 8, the popular ShÅnen Jump+ series, is being criticized by fans for its art style that goes against the manga.On…
One Piece theory suggests that one of the strongest Marines might turn against the World Government. SUMMARY The recent chapters of One Piece…
Luffy has a secret guardian who was a part of Gol D. Roger’s crew. SUMMARY The Roger Pirates in One Piece are believed…
The following contains spoilers for major character fights up to the Wano arc in One Piece One Piece has some of the most compelling fights…
In the latest chapter of One Piece manga, Vegapunk’s message stopped abruptly before he could share his information with those bearing the name…
The Straw Hat crew were not a part of Eiichiro Oda’s favorite moment from One Piece. SUMMARY Eiichiro Oda’s magnum opus contains so…
One Piece: Vegapunk Secretly Made The Seraphim Weak With 1 Feature to Turn the Tide Against World Government We Might Get to See…
Eiichiro Oda learned the harsh way about how unnecessarily terrible Ace’s death was in One Piece. SUMMARY Eiichiro Oda knew of the popularity…