Courtney Kardashian has garnered attention and raised eyebrows with her distinctive parenting style, which sharply contrasts with those of her famous Kardashian-Jenner siblings, particularly Khloe and Kim. Known for her stringent rules and unconventional choices, Courtney’s approach to raising her four children reflects a blend of health-consciousness, sustainability, and a desire for minimalism.

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One of the most notable aspects of Courtney’s parenting is her ban on microwaves in her household. This decision stems from her concerns about potential health risks associated with microwave radiation, a viewpoint not shared by her family members, particularly Khloe, who finds this rule excessive. Similarly, Courtney opts for wooden toys over plastic, citing durability and environmental benefits, despite Khloe’s disagreement and preference for more traditional toy options.

Courtney’s strict dietary rules also set her apart. She emphasizes a diet free from gluten and dairy, which she believes positively impacts her children’s behavior. This dietary regimen, though loosened since dating Travis Barker, still prioritizes organic foods and minimizes processed junk, which has led to tension with sisters like Kim, who are more lenient with their children’s diet.

In addition to dietary preferences, Courtney’s parenting extends to lifestyle choices such as reducing screen time and creating a technology-free zone at home. This decision, which includes banning devices like iPads and TVs, reflects her commitment to fostering a more hands-on and interactive environment for her children, in contrast to Kim’s preference for integrating technology into daily life.

Courtney’s approach to clothing and home design also reflects her unique parenting philosophy. She encourages her children’s independence by allowing them to choose their outfits and reusing clothes across siblings—a practice not commonly seen in their affluent lifestyle where newness often reigns supreme.

Despite her sisters’ differing opinions and occasional clashes over parenting styles, Courtney remains steadfast in her beliefs. Whether it’s co-sleeping, extended breastfeeding, or minimizing the presence of nannies, she prioritizes a hands-on approach to parenting that emphasizes closeness and involvement.

Looking ahead, the question arises whether Courtney will maintain her strict parenting as her children grow older and her lifestyle evolves. The influence of her relationship with Travis Barker has already seen some relaxation in rules, suggesting potential further shifts in her parenting approach.

In conclusion, Courtney Kardashian’s parenting style is a testament to her individuality within the Kardashian-Jenner clan. While her choices may provoke debate and disagreement within her family, they underscore her commitment to raising her children according to her values of health, sustainability, and hands-on involvement. As her children continue to grow, only time will tell how Courtney’s parenting style continues to evolve.