(B) VIDEO Ryan Reynolds & Hugh Jackman Interview Each Other | PEOPLE

The camaraderie between Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds is palpable and filled with mutual respect and admiration. Their first meeting on the set of Wolverine: Origins in Sydney, Australia, left an indelible mark on both actors. This meeting was significant not only because it marked the beginning of their professional relationship but also because it highlighted the profound impact they had on each other, both personally and professionally.

Ryan Reynolds & Hugh Jackman Interview Each Other | PEOPLE

Hugh Jackman recalls the initial meeting vividly. The scene was set in Sydney, but it was meant to portray Africa. Amidst the chaos of a night shoot with millions of cranes and the red clay setting, Jackman felt an immediate sense of gratitude and relief upon seeing Reynolds. Despite Reynolds’ jet lag and the overwhelming feeling of being cast only three weeks prior, Jackman’s welcoming nature and acknowledgment made Reynolds feel at ease. This gesture of familiarity and warmth was not just a superficial greeting but a genuine effort to make Reynolds feel included and valued.

Reynolds, on his part, was deeply intimidated by the scale of the production and felt out of his depth. However, Jackman’s warm welcome, accompanied by a big hug and words of encouragement, transformed Reynolds’ initial nervousness into excitement. Jackman’s approach to leading a set, knowing every crew member’s name, and maintaining a working dialogue with everyone, left a lasting impression on Reynolds. He admired Jackman’s ability to make everyone around him feel seen and appreciated, a trait Reynolds sought to emulate in his career.

Their working relationship on Wolverine: Origins also became a learning experience for Reynolds. He observed Jackman’s dedication to getting scenes right, even if it meant going back and reshooting when everyone was ready to wrap up. This dedication to perfection and responsibility towards the crew was something Reynolds took to heart. It influenced his approach in his later projects, such as Deadpool, where he encouraged his co-stars to give their best performance in the moment.

The conversation also delves into the challenges of maintaining superhero physiques and performing demanding action sequences, especially over the age of 45. Jackman, at 55, amazed Reynolds with his physical transformation and relentless dedication to stunts and choreography. Jackman attributed his agility and precision in action scenes to his background in dance, which taught him the importance of relaxation combined with strength. This blend of skills made his performance not just believable but exceptional.

Reynolds, too, shared his own experiences of maintaining the superhero look. The hardest part, they agreed, was the diet and the constant eating to maintain their physiques. However, it was the dedication to their roles and the understanding of the physical demands that kept them going.

Reynolds’ meticulous approach to his character, Deadpool, was another aspect that Jackman found remarkable. The precision required for mask work and the expressiveness needed to convey emotions through body language and subtle movements were skills that Reynolds honed to perfection. This dedication to detail in physical comedy and silent expressions, akin to classic clown work and silent movies, was a testament to Reynolds’ commitment to his craft.

The relationship between Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds is a testament to the power of mutual respect, continuous learning, and dedication to one’s craft. Their initial meeting on the set of Wolverine: Origins set the stage for a friendship built on admiration and professional respect. Through their experiences, they have shown that true leadership and excellence in acting come from a combination of skill, respect for one’s colleagues, and an unyielding commitment to improvement. Their journey together serves as an inspiration for aspiring actors and highlights the importance of collaboration and camaraderie in the world of filmmaking.

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