Kimberly opens up her home to Vogue, showcasing her minimalistic yet cozy abode filled with sentimental treasures and personal touches. She takes viewers on a tour, starting with her family kitchen, where she finds solace in the calmness amidst the chaos of the world. Despite having four children, she maintains the serene ambiance she craves.

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One of the highlights of her home is her daughter North’s artwork, proudly displayed throughout. Kimberly admires North’s talent and treasures each piece, even sharing one created during North’s battle with COVID, reflecting her daughter’s emotions at the time.

Moving to her bedroom sitting room, Kimberly reveals her love for scrapbooking, creating elaborate baby books for each of her children, meticulously documenting their milestones and memories. Inspired by her own mother’s trunk filled with childhood memories, Kimberly ensures her children have tangible keepsakes to cherish.

Outside, Kimberly’s backyard is a haven for family fun, featuring a customized basketball court and a vegetable garden where they bond over farming and harvesting their own produce. Despite her busy schedule as a working woman, Kimberly finds joy in her domestic life and takes pride in her prized possessions, including her sleek gray cars that match her home’s aesthetic.

Throughout the tour, Kimberly’s love for her family and her commitment to creating meaningful memories shine through. Despite her glamorous lifestyle, she values simplicity, sentimentality, and quality time with her loved ones above all else. As she bids farewell to Vogue and heads off to work, it’s clear that Kimberly’s home is not just a place of beauty but also a reflection of her deep love and dedication to her family.