Woman Opens Up About Surprising Facetime Late Wife Received from Khloé Kardashian After Call Goes Viral (Exclusive)

Woman's Viral TikTok Makes Dying Wife's Dream of Meeting Kardashian's a Reality

Jen and Kirsten French FaceTime Khloé Kardashian. PHOTO: BROGEN JESSUP PHOTOGRAPHY;JEN FRENCH

When Kirsten French entered hospice care in November 2023 after succumbing to colon cancer and losing her vision due to a tumor, her wife Jen was determined to fulfill her final wish of meeting the Kardashians.

Kirsten, who had been diagnosed with cancer at the age of 32 in April 2021, after doctors discovered a mass the size of a grapefruit on her ovary, had been a massive fan of the reality TV show since her youth.

“When we met, it’s something that we both would always chat about, different reality shows and especially the Kardashians,” Jen tells PEOPLE exclusively in an interview.

“Always just loved watching them and just seeing how happy it made her in such a horrible time was just seeing the smile,” she continues.

To make her wife’s dying wish come true, Jen enlisted the help of one of Kirsten’s best friends from college, Makela Pichler, to devise a plan to capture the attention of the Kardashians. Eventually, Pichler took a chance and posted a video on TikTok, hoping to reach them.

Wife of Late Kardashian Fan Looks Back at Khloé and Kourtney’s ‘Generous’ Hospice FaceTime Call Before Her Death

Remarkably, just a day later, their message struck a chord.

“Can you tell [Kirsten] I love her,” Kim Kardashian wrote in the comment.

“I would love to send her a voice note if she lost her vision,” Kourtney Kardashian later replied. “Praying for you and sending you lots of LOVE Kirsten.”

“Hi!!!! I’m going to DM you! I would love to send her a video or Facetime her if she’s feeling up to it,” Khloé Kardashian also responded.

Woman's Viral TikTok Makes Dying Wife's Dream of Meeting Kardashian's a Reality

Jen French and Kirsten French in the hospital.JEN FRENCH

After the video went viral, Jen, 35, approached her wife to share the news as she lay in her hospice bed at home. Before entering hospice, Kirsten had undergone massive abdominal surgery in May 2021, along with chemotherapy.

She went into remission in December 2021, but then in October 2022, the cancer came back, and had spread to her bones.

According to the Mayo Clinic, colon cancer is a growth of cells that begins in a part of the large intestine. Some symptoms include a change in bowel habits, rectal bleeding and cramps.

“I sat down next to her and said, ‘Babe, I have to tell you something,’ ” Jen says.

“That’s when I told her about the TikTok and that it went viral and we got a comment from Kim and she lost it at that point,” the Orange County local adds.

Woman's Viral TikTok Makes Dying Wife's Dream of Meeting Kardashian's a Reality

Screenshot of TikTok video.JEN FRENCH

Not long after, Khloé sent over a 30-second voice note for Kirsten to listen to. Following that, she collaborated with Jen and Makela to schedule a FaceTime call.

Jen describes witnessing her wife’s reaction during their 15-minute conversation with Khloé as “everything.” She says it felt like talking to a friend they hadn’t spoken to in a long time.

“You’re looking at somebody who’s on hospice that can’t be easy even for her to see, and for her to just so naturally have a conversation with us as though she knows us was, that was the biggest piece of it all,” she says. “Not only that she called us, but that it was so organic.”

She adds that although it’s not captured in the TikTok video, she expressed to Khloé how her personality resonates with Kirsten’s, particularly in their shared ability to find positivity in everything.

“A lot of people were like, ‘Why would this be one of her wishes?’ I think my wife just loved reality television,” Jen explains. “She loved following them and just seeing every aspect of their journey and growth in life.”

“It was just such a joyful conversation and it was really nice that she had something to distract herself from the reality of what was happening,” she adds. “And so it was just super, super amazing that they took the time to do that.”

In the moment, Jen captured a video of the FaceTime conversation between Kirsten and Khloé, posting it on TikTok, where it has gone viral, garnering over 1 million views.

She shares that many people reached out in the comments, expressing their personal connections to colon cancer and thanking her for raising awareness.

“She fought for two and a half years, and she just kept such a vibrant, positive outlook on everything. I mean, even in the video, you can see in her dying days, she’s just like, I could feel your energy and how grateful I am,” Jen says.

“I think one of Kirsten’s biggest things she would always say is that waiting in line is always scarier than the ride,” she adds. “Don’t wait until you’re dying to make memories and really try to live in the moment because you just never know when your life can change overnight.”

Jen French daughter Adelaide

Jen French daughter Adelaide looking at photo of Kirsten French. 

On Dec. 3, 2023, Kirsten died at the age of 35, leaving behind Jen and their 2½-year-old daughter, Adelaide.

Since Kirsten’s passing, Jen has maintained contact with Khloé. Recently, she says Khloé reached out with two book recommendations

“I read one of them and just let her know how powerful it was for me,” Jen says.