Jon Bon Jovi Announces He Can’t Tour For New Album

Jon Bon Jovi Announces He Can’t Tour For New Album

Jon Bon Jovi Announces He Can’t Tour For New Album | Society Of Rock Videos

via Apple Music / Youtube

Bon Jovi recently unveiled their latest album, Forever, but fans hoping to see the band for a tour may be disappointed. Frontman Jon Bon Jovi is currently focused on recovering from a major vocal surgery.

In 2022, the singer underwent a procedure called vocal cord medialization to restore his voice’s function. Despite his efforts, the healing process has been gradual. Earlier this year, in an interview with Mix 104.1 Boston, he shared:

“It’s my desire to do a tour next year, but I’m just still recovering from a major surgery.”

Jon Bon Jovi Shares Latest Update

Recently, in an update to The Guardian, Jon Bon Jovi admitted that he’s not yet ready to hit the road. He said:

“It’s a work in progress.
“There’s no miracle. I just wish there was a fucking light switch. I’m more than capable of singing again. The bar is now: can I do two and a half hours a night, four nights a week? The answer is no.”

The singer has been undergoing specialized therapy sessions to help with his vocal recovery. He’s also determined to return to live performances. Speaking to Entertainment Tonight in April, he emphasized his dedication:

“Day to day, I’m working hard on it. Nothing else matters until I work on getting better. It’s up to God at this point. I’ve done everything I can do.”

Guitarist Richie Sambora, who visited Bon Jovi following his surgery, has expressed willingness to rejoin the band if Jon recovers soon. “If he gets [his voice] back, I’ll go play,” Sambora stated.

While touring remains uncertain, Jon Bon Jovi remains committed to his music. “It lights you up when you’re out there,” he told The Guardian about performing live. “As long as I have the ability, I will write songs and make records.”

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