Some of them are “completely blamed for the A…”. On, presenter Collien Fernandes talks about the airs and graces of the stars and declares after her expulsion because of the penis question: “Lady Gaga need not be surprised”.

Scandal during the radio exhibition in Berlin: Because of an unpleasant question, Lady Gaga had Viva presenter Collien Fernandes removed from a press conference.

Some of them are “completely blamed for the A…”. On, presenter Collien Fernandes talks about the airs and graces of the stars and declares after her expulsion because of the penis question: “Lady Gaga need not be surprised”.

Ms. Fernandes, have you ever been kicked out because of naughtiness?

No, never!

Now it has happened: Because you asked Lady Gaga about her alleged penis, the pop star had you kicked out of a press event at the IFA in Berlin. Which feeling dominates you: indignation or secret joy?

To be honest: confusion. I rather thought Lady Gaga would answer “No comment” when asked if she had a penis. After she herself told about her alleged penis in various interviews without being asked, I didn’t expect to be kicked out.

The fatal P-question: Did it come spontaneously or planned?

I didn’t ask this question out of private interest, it was about a contribution for my show “Viva Live”. If I hadn’t asked, my editors would probably have been angry. The reactions of colleagues and people on the street, however, were actually consistently positive. Most were more upset about Gaga’s management.

Nevertheless, you got all the trouble.

In fact, some journalists wanted to ask this question. Since Lady Gaga was a bit long in coming, I talked to some colleagues, all of whom were planning to ask the penis question. Gaga’s management should have expected this as well.

Lady Gaga wore a skin-tight bodysuit during a glossy studio photo shoot. There was a clear bulge in his pants. If you didn’t want attention with it, you shouldn’t have let yourself be shot down so revealingly. Or just retouch the thing afterwards.

Are you disappointed in the offended lady? It seems to be quite humorless.

Yes, it is! In the case of artists who don’t want to go public with their private lives, who don’t feel like scandals, I can understand if they react in this way. But a Lady Gaga? Who reveals so much about her sexuality on her own? She says that she forgot to take out her vibrator during a photo shoot and explains that she is bisexual and hermaphrodite? These are all things that she has told of her own accord. So she doesn’t have to be surprised if someone asks.

What did you do after you were kicked out?

Some reporters were very upset about it and tried to persuade me to discuss it with the people in charge. But I just wanted to get away. Half an hour later, the first report was shown at point 12, and this was followed by a flood of press that I did not expect.

As a presenter on music television, you need to know: Why do many music stars take themselves so seriously?

This is probably due to the fact that at a certain level you are completely exhausted. is subsequently added. You say “Run!” – and everyone runs. A lot of people just totally take off.

Is it true that you are now banned from IFA?

I’ve read that too, but that’s complete nonsense. Everyone copied something wrong.

To what percentage was this action actually a small but fine PR trick on your part?

I could have done without this PR.

And Lady Gaga?

Lady Gaga was – as I noticed afterwards – probably really outraged by the question. I don’t think she did this to get PR. Or is it? I really don’t know.

Don’t you want to apologize to the lady after all? Here would be the opportunity.


Interview: Reinhard Keck