Once again, Drake is in the public eye, but this time, Rick Ross, another rapper, is making claims about lyrics from Drake’s most recent song, “Champagne Moments,” which has put him under discomfort and scrutiny.

Drake raps, “Had a nose job, but I never told y’all,” in the song. This remark has stirred controversy since it raises questions about whether the Canadian rapper had cosmetic surgery. Known for being direct and honest, Rick Ross addressed the issue right away in a recent interview.

During the interview, Rick Ross sparked controversy by implying that Drake’s words might be seen as an acknowledgement of having a nose job. “If he did it, that’s cool,” he added in his response. It’s undefined. Hip-hop has long been associated with plastic surgery.

Rick Ross’s remarks obviously touched a nerve with Drake, who hasn’t said anything about the charges. According to people close to the artist, Drake is uncomfortable with the way things are going, especially because it has brought his private life back into the spotlight.

Drake has always been praised for his well manicured appearance and has been called out in the past for his insecurities with it. With both supporters and detractors guessing about the reasons behind the purported nose job and Drake’s unwillingness to confront the charges head-on, this most recent episode has just fueled the flames.

Fans are left to wonder whether Drake will finally address the subject in his own time or decide to let it fade into obscurity as Drake’s management have declined to comment on the matter.

One thing is certain despite the ongoing controversy: Drake’s “Champagne Moments” have provoked conversation beyond music, once again exposing the hazy boundaries in hip-hop between artistic expression and personal disclosure.

As Drake works through the fallout from Rick Ross’s allegations and keeps making waves in the music business, stay in for more updates on this unfolding tale.