GREEK police had CCTV footage showing Dr Michael Mosley’s final movements for four days after he disappeared, it has been claimed.

Video filmed outside a bar showed the Brit TV star heartbreakingly close to the safety of beach resort Agia Marina and was reportedly given to cops on Wednesday night.

Dr Michael Mosley with his wife Clare Mosley - who raised the alarm after he disappeared on Wednesday

Dr Michael Mosley with his wife Clare Mosley – who raised the alarm after he disappeared on WednesdayCredit: Rex

Dr Mosley was found just a 90-second walk away from help as he came within reach of a bar at Agia Marina

Dr Mosley was found just a 90-second walk away from help as he came within reach of a bar at Agia Marina

An extensive four-day search included firefighters, drones, volunteers and helicopters

An extensive four-day search included firefighters, drones, volunteers and helicopters

The Sun has seen the CCTV which appeared to show Dr Mosley’s last movements – with the 67-year-old struggling in Symi’s rocky terrain.

He had left his wife at Saint Nikolas beach across the bay earlier that afternoon and later tried make his way down to Agia Marina after getting lost in the hills for almost two hours.

Grainy video showed the TV doc making his way down towards the wall between the hills and beach before sinking to the ground in the spot where his body was found four days later.

Greek cops admitted they had seen the footage, handed in on Wednesday after reports of Dr Mosley’s disappearance, Live News reports.

According to the outlet cops claimed it was hard to identify his body in the footage as it appeared as a small dot.

It showed Dr Mosley, known for popularising the 5:2 diet and for his appearances on The One Show and This Morning, struggling at around 3.45pm.

The dad-of-four is thought to have ended up on the brutal trek in at least 40C heat after taking a wrong turn in the town of Pedi at around 2pm.

His body was found tragically just 100 metres from the safety of the beach bar at Agia Marina – where he is thought to have died at around 4pm on Wednesday.

After an extensive four-day search his heartbroken wife Dr Clare Bailey Mosley, 67, said on Sunday: “He so very nearly made it.”


The BBC star sat down on a mountain slope and lost consciousness before he died, a coroner concluded today.

The position he was found in – legs raised on a rock without any sign of external injuries – suggests Dr Mosley chose to lie down.

There is no indication that he was hit in the head or that he collapsed while walking, police sources said.

The Sun saw the dad-of-four, 67, lying in a peaceful prone position.

It appears that Dr Mosley was following routine first aid advice used to prevent fainting.

The NHS website encourages individuals who are feeling faint to lie down with their legs raised if they are ever feeling faint.

He had walked for more than two hours and was found in a shaded spot by a wall having taken off his rucksack.

It appeared the way down the hill he was following was part of a walking route, as the rocks were marked in blue and red.

But the route is unclear and very rocky underfoot with numerous trip hazards.

Symi police chief Dimos Kotsidaras said: “It looks like cause of death was heat exhaustion after walking in high temperatures from St Nicholas to Agia Marina.”

But there has been no official cause of death yet as investigators need to complete a full post-mortem.

Rhodes coroner Despina Nethena is said to have found that the condition of the body has made it impossible to determine one so far.

The rocky area where Dr Mosley's body was found just yards from the safety of a beach resort

The rocky area where Dr Mosley’s body was found just yards from the safety of a beach resort

Dr  Mosley's body was found on the right hand side of this wall near Agia Marina, but hidden from easy view

Dr Mosley’s body was found on the right hand side of this wall near Agia Marina, but hidden from easy view

Agia Marina, the beach resort where he was found, was said to be one of the hottest areas in the region.

Temperatures between Wednesday and Sunday, when he was missing in the Greek island of Symi, sometimes hit above 40C.

His last known sighting was in Pedi at around 2pm, meaning he was up in the mountainous terrain for around an hour and 45 minutes.

Cops confirmed it was him after a different set of CCTV was released on Friday – showing Dr Mosley holding an umbrella near the Blue Corner bar in Pedi.


By Ed Southgate, in Symi Greece

WHEN I walked from the spot where Dr Michael Mosley was found dead, it took just 90 seconds to reach the beach resort.

He was just so, so close to help, safety, shelter and water.

CCTV showed he had zig-zagged at the top of the perimeter at Agia Marina for around five ­minutes before making the exhausting trek down.

Around that point, there is a hard-to-see fence with an old gate. Was he struggling to find the gate or find a way down?

By this point, he had been walking in blistering heat for more than two hours.

After I also walked up to the gate and then back down, I realised just how gruelling this steep, mountainous route down was. I had to focus incredibly hard on each and every rocky step and there is no clear path.

We, perhaps, will never know exactly what state he was in.

For the whole stretch, you can have a clear view of the beautiful Agia Marina — the restaurant, the sunbathers, the swimmers.

It is heartbreaking they were just there, unaware of him, and he was unable to make it to them.

Further footage then showed him leaving the town and heading into mountainous terrain.

The TV doc had mistakenly missed a left turn in Pedi that would’ve taken him to their accommodation in Symi Town.

As a result he ended up on the walking route which rescuers described as “treacherous” and “dangerous”.

Dr Mosley’s movements between when he was last seen in Pedi just before 2pm and when he was seen on CCTV making his final walk towards bar at around 3.45pm remain a mystery.

An extensive search team desperately scoured the island for him for four days – including specialist teams, fire crew, the Red Cross and Brit volunteers.

By Saturday the search was focused on the route to Agia Marina, with crews looking at the rocky area above a perilous underwater cave system known to locals as the Abyss.



Different CCTV footage released on Friday showing Dr Mosley in Pedi at around 2pm on Wednesday outside a cafe

Different CCTV footage released on Friday showing Dr Mosley in Pedi at around 2pm on Wednesday outside a cafe

Further CCTV then showed him leaving Pedi and heading for the hills

Further CCTV then showed him leaving Pedi and heading for the hills


Dr Mosley’s body was spotted on Sunday because of a glint coming from his watch, a witness claimed.

Mayor Papakaloudoukas was accompanying a TV crew on a boat when they spotted “something black” near a fence at Agia Marina.

A journalist on the boat said the shine from Dr Mosley’s watch was also noticed on a camera as they zoomed in.

Bar manager Ilias Tsavaris was asked to go and look – and said he also immediately saw the “glint from a watch”.

Sun reporter Ed Southgate was at the scene when the Agia Marina bar manager indicated he had seen something on the other side of a barbed wire fence nearby.

Ed peered over and saw the body of Dr Mosley, with a dropped umbrella nearby, and alerted staff who called the police.

Symi mayor Lefteris Papakaloudoukas said the island was ” in complete shock” after Sunday’s discovery.

He said: “Everyone wanted to find him alive. It’s been hard, very hard and no one ever thought we’d ever find him where we did, so near to the beach.”

Dr Mosley’s wife Clare said on Sunday that he was a “wonderful, funny, kind and brilliant husband”.

Today people came to the spot where the star was found to lay down a flower in tribute.

Two men and a woman arrived on the rocky mountain just before midday and wiped tears from their eyes.

They crouched down for almost 20 minutes and consoled each other on the other side of the wall from Agia Marina in Symi before leaving again by boat.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s office called the outcome of the desperate search “heartbreaking”.

A statement read: “In what must be deeply sad times, we’ve seen some incredibly touching tributes which have made clear the huge impact that Dr Mosley had and helped had on people and helped to transform people’s lives for the better.

“He’ll be known as an extraordinary broadcaster who used his platform to influence and change the way we think about many public health issues.”


Calypso Haggett, chief executive of The Fast 800 weight-loss programme, an intermittent fasting diet that Mosley popularised, described him as a “shining light for the whole team”.

They said his “incredible legacy” will “energise a continuous movement for better health”.

Timeline of Dr Mosley’s disappearance


1.30pm: Dr Mosley decides to walk home alone to his holiday home in the town of Symi after going for a swim at a beach
1.50pm: The walk home is said to take around 20 minutes from Saint Nikolaos beach despite the doctor never making it back
1.52pm: CCTV catches Dr Mosley walking past a shop in Pedi
Approx 2.20pm: Witnesses claim to have seen Dr Mosley talking to an elderly man in the town with one other person present
2.30pm-5pm: Doc was last seen on a house camera on a treacherous path heading towards the Agia Marina
7.30pm: Dr Mosley’s wife, Dr Clare Bailey, raises the alarm and calls cops


10.30am: Police file missing person report and the search gets underway
11am: Police appeal for any information
2pm: Six firefighters, a vehicle and a drone team were all seen arriving in Symi from Rhodes
7pm: Helicopters deployed over the island
8pm: First day of the search called off for the night


7am Extra police squadrons, coast guard officials, specially-trained sniffer dogs and military helicopters helped in the search
5pm The first CCTV images are released of Dr Mosley with his umbrella near the Blue Corner bar


7am Police launch a search of a new area of around 7km as they step up the hunt
10.50am: New CCTV is released showing Mosley leaving Pedi and heading towards mountainous path
11am Symi’s mayor says ‘no chance’ search will be called off until he is found
12pm Mosley’s wife Clare says the family will ‘not lose hope’ but confesses the last few days have been ‘unbearable’
3pm A helicopter joins the search effort in the mountains


10.50am Body found in the search close to caves known as ‘The Abyss’
11am Police say they believe the body to be that of Dr Mosley
2.50pm Body removed by boat from Symi
3.30pm Dr Clare Bailey confirms her ‘wonderful’ husband’s death

Dr Mosley left his wife and friends on a beach in Symi to walk home alone on Wednesday

Dr Mosley left his wife and friends on a beach in Symi to walk home alone on Wednesday

Dr Mosley's rucksack is found among the boulders next to a barbed wire fence

Dr Mosley’s rucksack is found among the boulders next to a barbed wire fence

The cafe in Pedi where Dr Mosley was last seen on Wednesday

The cafe in Pedi where Dr Mosley was last seen on Wednesday

Volunteers joined the hunt for the missing TV doc

Volunteers joined the hunt for the missing TV doc

Dr Mosley's wife Clare paid tribute to her 'wonderful, funny, kind and brilliant husband' on Sunday

Dr Mosley’s wife Clare paid tribute to her ‘wonderful, funny, kind and brilliant husband’ on Sunday