“ONE PUNCH FROM RETIREMENT!” Marcos Maidana Reveals How He Nearly Ended Floyd Mayweather’s Career Before the Final Bell Saved Him.

Marcos Maidana, the Argentine powerhouse, recently opened up about a moment in his career that continues to haunt him. It was a moment that could have changed boxing history—when he was just one punch away from potentially ending Floyd Mayweather’s illustrious career. The fight in question was their first clash on May 3, 2014, a bout that was far closer than many expected. Maidana, known for his relentless aggression and heavy hands, gave Mayweather one of the toughest fights of his career.

Throughout the match, Maidana was a force of nature, pressuring Mayweather in a way that few had ever managed to do. While most fighters struggled to land clean shots on the defensive genius that was Mayweather, Maidana had him on the ropes, both literally and figuratively. He charged forward, cutting off the ring and throwing punches from every angle. It was this relentless style that allowed him to land a right hand that nearly turned the tide of the fight.

In a recent interview, Maidana shared his thoughts on that pivotal moment. “I was just one punch away from finishing him,” Maidana recalled. “The bell saved him. I could have forced him into retirement with that one punch.” His words are heavy with the weight of missed opportunity. For a fighter like Maidana, who thrived on bringing the fight to his opponents, coming so close to such a monumental victory only to be denied by the clock is a bitter pill to swallow.

That night, the bell rang just as Maidana landed a solid punch that sent Mayweather stumbling. Had there been a few more seconds left in the round, it’s conceivable that Maidana could have sealed the deal, knocking Mayweather down, if not out. “It was destiny’s intervention,” Maidana added, acknowledging that the timing wasn’t in his favor. Despite the close call, the judges ultimately awarded Mayweather a majority decision, with the scorecards reading 114-114, 116-112, and 117-111 in favor of Mayweather. The fight was a testament to Mayweather’s defensive skills, but it also highlighted the raw power and determination of Maidana.

For many fans and analysts, that first fight was one of the few instances where Mayweather looked vulnerable. Maidana’s ability to disrupt Mayweather’s rhythm and land significant punches was something few had managed to do. Even though Maidana didn’t get the knockout, the performance was enough to earn him a rematch in September of the same year. While the second fight was less competitive, with Mayweather making the necessary adjustments to secure a more decisive win, the memory of that near-knockout still lingers in the minds of boxing fans.

In the years since, Maidana has retired from boxing, but the what-ifs of that May 3rd night remain. “I’ll always wonder what could have happened if I had just a few more seconds,” Maidana admitted. “Maybe everything would be different now.” It’s a reflection of how close he came to altering the course of boxing history—just one punch away from forcing Floyd Mayweather into retirement. That’s the nature of the sport, where every second counts, and sometimes, the difference between victory and defeat is nothing more than the sound of a bell.