Good Morning Britain had its share of awkward moments when viewers criticised Ed Balls for his “unsuitable” question to co-presenter Christine Lampard.

Ed was speaking to Christine via a video link, as she readied herself to present the ITV show Lorraine at 9am on Monday (July 29). He wanted to hear her opinion on a divisive subject whether it’s ever acceptable to urinate in public swimming pools. Oddly, Ed decided to query if Christine had ever done such a thing in communal waters.

Ranvir Singh, his fellow host, was the first to broach the topic by asking, “A quick yes or no, pee in the pool yes or no? ” To which Christine responded: “I heard this earlier on and no is the answer. I try to tell my children not to and now a swimmer has come out to say everyone does it! That goes against everything I’ve been teaching.”

But Ed didn’t let the matter drop and further enquired: “Are you really saying no ever, Christine? Ever?”, reports the Mirror.

Ed Balls was slammed for asking an ‘inappropriate’ question 
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Christine uncomfortably confirmed she’d never urinated in a pool and elaborated, saying, “Oh no I’m quite nervous about that side of things, so I can’t do it in public. Is that too much information for you?” With a hint of humour, Ranvir remarked: “We had to know!” and Ed added, “Thank you for sharing, Christine!”

The questioning didn’t go down well with fans who took to social media to express their discomfort. One fan wrote on X, “God Ed I’m sure Christine doesn’t want to talk about her toilet habits on national television… bit rude and inappropriate if you ask me #GMB.” Another viewer aired their views, stating: “Ed Balls is an embarrassment.”

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However, not all fans agreed, sharing their own experiences on social media. One user tweeted: “Never pee in a swimming pool. But I have done it in the sea at the beach!”

The video link-up turned slightly awkward 
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In response, another person chipped in: “Oh get over it, everyone peepees in the pool whether we admit it or not. If you have to go you have to go.” A different viewer then commented: “I once got told off by the life guard for peeing in the swimming pool.”

The conversation kicked off when Olympian swimmers confessed that sometimes they’re forced to pee in the pool while competing leaving Ed and co-host Ranvir Singh arguing that it’s “easy” to climb out and visit the loo.